It saves multiple copied items, you can paste it easily via either Multi Clip Viewer Box OR Ctrl+Shift+V. To off compare screen and back to editor window, Plugins > Compare > Clear Results.ĭownload Compare Plugin 3. Click Plugins > Compare > Compare, you’ll get differences highlighted. No need to install other app to compare files, You can do it easily with Notepad++ itself. Using bottom filter box, You can filter files to find in large listing. It has two sections: Folder tree box(to see directories-sub directories) and File box. Open your file in Notepad++ quickly using Explorer plugin. If not show, maybe your plugin isn’t compatible. You will see your plugin in Plugins menu bar and automatically installed. Now, if your notepad++ is active, close it, and activate again.

Other than, You can search the plug in with Google, Download it (usually dll file) and put into ‘notepad++/plugins/’ directory. Default available plugins can be installed from the Plugins manager (via Plugins-> Plugin Manager-> Show Plugin Manager), select plugin and click on Install button.